Contribution Day

Attendees at a table for contribution day

There are many ways to contribute

  • Add screenshots to an issue
  • Document steps to reproduce an issue
  • Test a proposed fix on an issue
  • Improve documentation or resolve a documentation issue
  • Code a bug fix or a new feature
  • Identify duplicate issues
  • Test patch or feature for accessibility
  • Write a change record

Mentors will help all first time contributors find an appropriate task!

Register on

Contribution Day is free to attend but registration is required.



We will buy our own at the Market 57 food court that is on site.

Event Details

Event schedule
- RSVP on!


 9:00 DrupalCon Recap Check-in, get some coffee, and join an informal discussion of DrupalCon highlights led by attendees who were in Atlanta.

 9:45 Collaboration in ad-hoc teams

12:00 Lunch Some may take a break, and some my choose a working lunch

 3:30 Group discussion about what was accomplished. Celebrate contributions! How can we make it better next time?

 4:00 Depart


Pier 57
25 11th Ave
Oyster Community Classroom
New York, NY 10011
United States

Getting there

Subway: Take the A, C, E, or L train to the 14th Street (8th Avenue) station. Walk west to West Side Highway and 15th Street.

Bus: (From North/East/South): Take the M14, M20, or M11 bus to 14th Street. Walk west to the West Side Highway.

Entry & Check-in

Through the food court

Enter the doors under the “Pier 57” sign. Walk straight down the pier. Pass through Market 57 food court. Seahorse Classroom will be on the right.

Through the door nearest our space

When you arrive at Pier 57, head to the south gate near City Winery. Walk along the pathway toward the middle of the pier. Enter through the double-door entrance for the Rooftop Park.  Seahorse Classroom is to the left.

Check-in with a volunteer when you arrive by showing them your ticket on your phone or printed out.

Map to Seahorse Classroom in the main, east-west, hallway on the north side.

Our contribution day is in Oyster Classroom